Sunday, September 24

At Hugh`s Do!

Andy Fraser & Nicola-Have only just got married themselves a couple of weeks ago! Andy is famous for comments like
"teamwork makes the dream work!" and others... Andy is currently on tour at Cosford entertaining the young people there. To see him perform - go to your nearest AFCO and say you want to be a fairy.

Andy is very clever,learning in hours what took us months!! very Charismatic with a lovely wife and a great home-made haircut!! He seems to do well in everything he does and I am sure he s***s gold nuggets.

If anyone knows about any failings of Andy`s then let me know...I will feel so much better : )


Anonymous said...

He always like to keep his lottery syndicate in a-rears ooh eerr matron!!! and has a passion for jimmy somerville records in different coloured vinyl or is that pvc by the way i may be anon but you know who ????

Anonymous said...

"OOOOOOOOOH SOMETIMES" He sings with passion!!!!! I'm a giver not taker?

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